"Cerrado Infinito is the first experiment to recreate a cerrado landscape
within a public urban area.
A haven of plants inevitably extinct throughout the development of the city of São Paulo,
and expelled to the periphery until their complete disappearance. The project rescues them,
mapping survivors, collecting seedlings and seeds to be planted together,
forming over time the visuality of the extinct Campos de Piratininga.
The attempt is to deprogram territories around the city, and return the land to a zero mark,
prior to the colonial occupation. It’s also an effort to cultivate wasteland and biodiverse land,
plants, animals and people as they recover the memory of the place they inhabit.
The project establishes a new beginning, where citizens are invited to plant cerrado, create a
daily contact with these plants and a new country culture around the city,
that inverts aesthetics, valuing a flora that is always disregarded,
systematically destroyed, and seen as the backwoods of delay.
Among other things, it is about becoming aware of the stories of our development and destruction,
bringing forward, the importance of this small area of cerrado
which has already occupied more than half of the city. This first hinterland,
today extinct, forgotten and outside the cartography of the biome, stage and origin
of the whole country culture with its cuisine, music and behavior, forged a city
which erases its hick reflection between glass buildings.
The project is a reminder of the São Paulo lost paradise with its rich and biodiverse nature,
a mosaic of biomes, with delicate cerrado fields, wetlands
and the lush Atlantic forest.
If this city is a development model for the rest of the country, the project is still
an involuntary monument to our inability as a people to prevent the destruction of biomes and our identity with the natural landscape. "

“Vi terras da minha terra. Por outras terras andei. Mas o que ficou marcado no meu olhar fatigado. Foram terras que inventei.”
Trecho do poema "Testamento" de Manuel Bandeira ( 1943 )
Territórios do Cerrado Infinito

01-Cerrado Infinito - Praça Homero Silva (Praça da Nascente) Rua André Casado, travessa da Avenida Pompéia 2140, Bairro da Pompéia, Zona Oeste.
Iniciado em 13 de Junho de 2015. área atual estimada de 2.000m2.
02- cerrado Infinito Escola Estadual Jardim das Camélias, Rua, Bairro Jardim das Camélias, Zona Leste. Iniciado em 2015, desativado em 2017.
03 -Cerrado Infinito da Borda do Caaguaçu - Alameda Jaú 1742, Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, 01420-006. Iniciado em 2022.
04- Cerrado Infinito Casa das Caldeiras - Avenida Matarazzo, Barra Funda, São Paulo, 01156
Iniciado em 2022, DESATIVADO EM JANEIRO DE 2024.
The Cerrado
We are a family owned and operated business.
When Father José de Anchieta climbed the Serra do Mar from São Vicente, he found a landscape different from the dense tropical forest. On the São Paulo plateau, the mild climate and the shrub fields brought familiar comfort, suggesting aspects of Mediterranean vegetation.
The Piratininga Fields were a sea of hills that alternated forests of Atlantic forest, Araucaria and flooded floodplains, with extensive closed fields. This contrast with the Atlantic Forest, was decisive for the choice of the first settlements of the Portuguese colonizers, as the names of Vila de São Paulo de Piratininga, Santo André da Borda do Campo, São Bernardo do Campo or Santo Amaro da Borda do Campo attest.
This countryside landscape gave way first to cattle and wheat, then to the sugar cane and coffee cycles, which in turn disappeared under intense industrialization and urban development. Forgotten by the typical cartography that defines the biome, far from school books, it has become unimaginable for the vast majority of citizens who point to the Atlantic Forest as the native landscape of São Paulo. Today, buried in deep amnesia, the field continues, only now rocky, with canyons of concrete and asphalt, and its vegetation planted with 96% of foreign plants, is still far from constituting a forest.
The city is the new ecosystem, recreated perpetually, where the cerrado as its antithesis is the original wasteland, occupying a space in suspension that does not participate in the city, and understood only as the power to become something.
The infinite
We are a family owned and operated business.
The trail was the first intervention of the human being in the landscape, and long before the prehistoric graphics, a line that is drawn tearing the vegetation and the relief.
The need to repeat its journey, develops over time on its banks, means of subsistence, housing or business, completely replacing the natural territory with the productive territory.
The “Cerrado Infinito” trail is a reverse process that is formed by continuous actions to decolonize the urban vegetable landscape. It occupies areas already assigned to a function, such as public squares, lawns, gardens or places that have space to be transformed, freeing the soil from any predetermined function, replacing foreign vegetation with native vegetation, in a process of decolonizing the landscape.
The process repeated continuously, develops an undulating path that takes advantage of the terrain and prolongs the walking time to the maximum, as an anti-shortcut or a useless walk, without the function of transporting and saving time. Immersion in vegetation invites leisure, awareness and detachment from spatiality and everyday time.
Ruderal art
We are a family owned and operated business.
Ruderal, from the Latin ruderis, literally means rubble, and designates plant communities adapted to develop in environments that are strongly altered and disturbed by human action. Rudimentary plants follow the footsteps of man and establish conditions for other, more demanding plant forms in them, in a continuous process of succession until complete biological restoration.
In art, ruderal behavior designates artists or works that use arid institutional spaces or aseptic public land in the city, to establish territories of biological and cultural diversity. Everything that happens in the Cerrado Infinito is ruderal.
We are a family owned and operated business.
The public space taken over by wasteland plants, visually re-signified as a historical landscape of the past, becomes a territory for new processes.
With coexistence, people become part of an artistic ecosystem that acts beyond the dimension of nature, in symbolic spheres that promote another order of connection with their chores, along the trail seeds, plant seedlings, information, events, ideas are shared , art, research and fun.
The Cerrados Infinitos, developed in different locations, constitute fragments of a unique trail, connected by imagination, and the desire to be traveled collectively, ignoring the geography determined by urbanism, social differences and urban transport systems.
Randomly, we promoted the DESCOLONIZATION !!! International Picnic for the Decolonization of the World Landscape, which presents some artistic experiences developed in the Cerrado Infinito, or artists invited for their relationship with the subject.

“Os novos poderes tendem a um complexo de atividades humanas que se situam além da utilidade: os tempos disponíveis, os jogos superiores. Contrariamente ao que pensam os funcionalistas, a cultura se encontra lá onde termina o útil.”
Alberts, Armando, Constant, Oudejans, Primeira proclamação da Facção Holandesa da Internacional Situacionista. 1959